Gordana Krot
The journey and development started in 1995, where I practiced martial arts and therapeutic techniques, dancing with Tihana Škrinjarić.
In order to better understand myself, and then others, by applying various techniques from the fields of dance, art, therapeutic skills, sound... I try to improve my knowledge in order to help people in empowering themselves, finding new things, supporting development and growth. Each program is adapted to the individual, but also to the group - for the purpose of betterment, health and self-care.
21 dan meditacija
U današnjem svijetu, najviše smo užurbani, a najmanje možda mirni.
Razlog postojanja ovog dnevnika je svakome kroz 21 dan približiti svijet opuštanja
i meditacija.
Nakon uspješno završenog programa, zajedno dogovaramo termin konzultacija i prolazimo rezime.
Odgovaram na tvoja pitanja i želje, a ako ti se svidi - slobodno nastavimo našu suradnju i dalje.