Advance payment for a month brings a special combination of discounts and treatments.
Tranquility & Serenity
€132.72/1000 HRK
4 individualized sound massage treatments according to the P. Hess method
Creative relaxation
172.54 €/1300 HRK
Art workshop (individualized approach) - 4x/2 h
(8 hours per month)
Individualized sound massage according to the P. Hess method - 3x/1h
Individualized sound bath - 1x/1h
Time for me
212.36 €/1600 HRK
Individualized sound massage - 3x/1h
Art and sound therapy (spontaneous artistic expression through drawing with sound bowls) - 1x/2h
Sound massage and counseling - 1x/1h
Art drawing workshop - topic - healing hands - 1x/2h
A combination of treatments by appointment!
The offer includes:
Individualized sound massage
Sound massage and counseling
Sound bath
Guided meditation with the use of sound
Art drawing workshops
Educational art workshops
Drawing art workshops - theme: healing hands